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We have two options available:
- The Nine Freedoms Transmissions
- The Nine Freedoms Lectures
The Nine Freedoms Transmissions
The Nine Freedoms is a series of profound revelations and practical teachings designed to inspire and guide us in our journey through evolution. Unmatched in its brilliantly concise explanation of the meaning of life – both here on Earth and beyond – this wisdom goes as far as to give us a glimpse of existence beyond the cycle of reincarnation – through Ascension, and then further even than this.
The channel for this series of Cosmic Transmissions, as they are known, was Dr. George King (1919-1997) – Founder of The Aetherius Society, an international Spiritual Brotherhood. Having thrown himself into the practice of the higher forms of Yoga for an average of 8-10 hours a day for about a decade, starting in the mid-1940s, Dr. King developed extraordinary psychic abilities – and, more importantly, reached the elevated state of consciousness known as Samadhi. In this state he was able to act as a medium for advanced Intelligences from higher planes of this world and beyond. The Nine Freedoms were given through him in 1961 by a great Cosmic Being known as Mars Sector 6.
By actually listening to these awe-inspiring words, not only will you be able to benefit from the literal meaning of each remarkable statement, but you will also be better able to tune in to their powerful Spiritual vibrations. Each Freedom is introduced by the Ascended Master Saint Goo-Ling, and the Ninth Freedom features a Transmission by the great Avatar known as The Master Jesus.
The Nine Freedoms Lectures
The Nine Freedoms is one of the most brilliant series of revelations ever given to humankind; it explains not only what life on Earth is really all about, but also gives us a tantalizing glimpse of life beyond the cycle of reincarnation – through Ascension, and on to future lives on other Planets, and even to existence as a part of the might Sun Itself.
As the channel for this series of Cosmic Transmissions, as they are known, Dr. George King (1919-1997) was uniquely qualified to talk about this extraordinary elevated wisdom and impart a masterly understanding of its true depth of meaning. He gave these remarkable lectures in 1961, only a few months after the Transmissions had been given – and six years after he had founded The Aetherius Society – an international Spiritual Brotherhood.
Having thrown himself into the practice of the higher forms of Yoga for an average of 8-10 hours a day for about a decade, starting in the mid-1940s, Dr. King had developed extraordinary psychic abilities – and, more importantly, reached the elevated state of consciousness known in the East as Samadhi. In this state he was able to act as a medium for advanced Intelligences from higher planes of this world and beyond. The Nine Freedoms were given through him by an extraterrestrial Intelligence known as Mars Sector 6 – a great Cosmic Being Whose Spiritual experience, knowledge and understanding dwarfs that of even an Earth Master.