
The Nine Freedoms is a monumental yet practical spiritual book – its power deep and profound – each time you read it you glean more from it.”

Dave Davies
Founder/Lead Guitarist of The Kinks, Metaphysician, Composer and Author

“After over four decades of involvement in the Mind Body Spirit movement, I can honestly say that The Nine Freedoms is one of the greatest spiritual books I have ever read. It is quite simply an invaluable guide to life – for people of all spiritual paths – and none.”

Dr. John Holder
Chairman of the Mind Body Spirit Festivals, London, UK

“When I first read The Nine Freedoms decades ago, it had a profound impact on me and I felt at once the authenticity of its Cosmic source. As a seeker for truth, I had studied dozens of religious, metaphysical and philosophical books over some years, but this book was far more explicit about why we are on earth and where we are going, than any I had read previously. The Nine Freedoms describes our journey through evolution, the lessons we all face and how we can overcome them. It is an inspiring Cosmic treatise given for this challenging age in which we live; yet it is also extremely practical and filled with an overwhelming compassion and understanding for us mortals. The Nine Freedoms is definitely not a quick read; it is akin to a meditation in that every single passage can be read over and over again. At times when I have read it, I have had flashes of realization which have led me to a deeper, more inspired and intuitive place. The Nine Freedoms is a deep initiation into the highest annals of truth available to anyone. I highly recommend this wonderful, awe-inspiring book to all thinking people.”

Chrissie Blaze

“There is simply nothing quite like The Nine Freedoms. Simple – yet incredibly profound – it really does explain the meaning of life – taking us further than any wisdom in any book I have ever encountered. I feel deeply fortunate to have come across these unique teachings – and I would recommend this very special book to every open-minded spiritual seeker.”

Mark Bennett
Co-author of the award-winning 
Gods, Guides and Guardian Angels, and Prayer Energy

“I wasn’t aware that I was looking for this book – until I found it! The Nine Freedoms answers the questions that others cannot answer. It makes sense of why we are here and where we are going. It provides logical and meaningful goals for us all to aspire to. It is a great teaching for us to use in this life, never mind the next. I find reading this text affects me whenever I do so and I would encourage anyone and everyone to investigate it thoroughly.”

Julian Rosser

“I personally feel that I have yearned for many of my lives to know a fraction of the Truths that The Nine Freedoms offers. 

“May God Bless the author and Mars Sector 6 for the Karma They must have endured to give a backward race such hope and encouragement to go towards God now!

“What a wonderful pattern these great Masters have set for us all.”

Sheryle McKenzie

“I would encourage all those who are sincerely seeking Truth and the true meaning of life to be open-minded enough to investigate these beautiful and profound Cosmic Teachings. Study of The Nine Freedoms is time well spent in allowing the seeds of spiritual Truth to be planted deep within our souls, and then acted upon in Service to others.”

Nikki Perrott